Flooring renovation – 3 proven ways

Many people postpone floor renovation, fearing high costs, strenuous work and long cleaning. However, refreshing the floor does not always have to be time-consuming and complicated. Check out our 3 proven ways to renovate your flooring quickly.

Replacing the floor in your flat without removing the old one

The most complicated stage of renovating a floor is removing the old flooring or parquet. This is when the most dust and dirt is generated. It also often requires hiring specialists to remove the damaged flooring using professional equipment. This often involves an additional cost and a long waiting time for proven professionals to arrive.

If the floor in your house is not damp, there is no mould or other serious damage on it, you do not have to decide on such a major renovation. Replacing the floor in the flat can be carried out on the basis of flooring that has been laid earlier. The most common choice is levelling and repairing the old floor and laying new flooring on it. There are also faster ways to get a new, attractive floor with many valuable properties and an attractive appearance. Thanks to them, you will refresh the interior in a very short time and you will enjoy a beautiful, new floor without having to decide on a long-term renovation.

Quickest way to renovate the flooring? Paint it!

Applying varnish or oiling the parquet is nothing new. This method allows you to protect and refresh a slightly dirty floor. If you have a wooden floor in your home, you can also change its appearance by painting the flooring with a special paint. A thin layer is enough to hide light dirt, scratches or discolouration that occur on the floor during its everyday use. This way of renewing the floor is really simple and quick. One day will be enough to completely redesign the entire room. It is also one of the cheaper ways to renovate the floor. You just need to buy paint and brushes. You won’t need any specialist help either.

In order to get satisfactory results, remember to prepare yourself properly for painting. Match the type of paint to the flooring you want to cover with it. Most products are intended to be used with wood, but in some shops you can also find enamels for ceramic surfaces and many other types of flooring. Before painting the flooring, make sure it is properly prepared. Paint will stick only to a degreased and matted surface, so don’t skip these steps.

Convenience and low cost of painting the floor are not the only advantages of this type of renovation. With the help of properly selected paints, you also have the opportunity to create your dream decor. The variety of enamels means that you have almost unlimited possibilities of choice, which will help you to create unique designs and get an original floor colour. You can even decide to create unusual patterns or bold combinations.

Laying a cork floor

In rooms where you walk barefoot, a cork floor will be a really good option. You can choose either cork planks or tiles. Planks are much easier to install, and you can lay them directly on top of the old floor. You won’t need any specialist tools for this. They are installed in the same way as classic flooring. However, before installing cork, check the condition of the flooring and clean them thoroughly to get the desired results.

Cork floor has many advantages. It is flexible, durable and easy to keep clean. It also provides very good thermal comfort. For this reason, this type of floor renovation will be a very good solution for a children’s room, bedroom or living room. Cork is also popular due to its resistance to fungi and moisture.

Protecting a heavily used floor – a layer of linoleum

In the kitchen and hallway, the floor is exposed to an exceptional amount of damage. Walking on the floor in different types of footwear every day, drying wet shoes or accidentally spilling something while cooking cause the flooring to deteriorate the fastest in these parts of your home and need to be replaced most often. Fortunately, a quick floor renovation is also possible here, which will not only refresh the decor, but additionally protect the floor. All you need to do is spread a layer of linoleum over it.

Linoleum is a flexible and extremely durable material that is often used on floors. This is not only influenced by its high quality, but also by its affordability. Linoleum is significantly cheaper than other flooring materials. Easy installation in another big advantage of linoleum. The material is sold in rolls, which simply need to be rolled out on an even, clean floor and fixed with special strips against the wall. In order to ensure that the work goes smoothly, and the effect is aesthetically pleasing, try to buy a roll of linoleum with a width as close as possible to the dimensions of the floor in the room. This way you will not have to cut the material excessively or select it from another roll.

When deciding to lay linoleum on your flooring, you have a choice of different colours and patterns. Materials that imitate wood and stone are the most popular. When shopping, however, be careful with the colour. Linoleum will get its right shade only a few hours after laying, so take home some samples first.

When can you afford a quick floor renovation in an old house?

For the above methods to bring the expected results, the floor should be in good condition. The flooring should not be swollen so that the top layer adheres well to it. Although linoleum, paint and cork will conceal minor scratches, they won’t work well in the case of detached or damaged flooring. For this reason, when choosing your floor, it is advisable to opt only for top-quality flooring, which is waterproof and is characterised by high usage class and AC rating. This way, they will look good for a long time and a quick renovation will help you to refresh their appearance and adapt them to the new design of the flat.

If the old floor is in good shape, you will be able to carry out the renovation of the flooring yourself. You won’t need professional, expensive tools or specialist skills for any of the methods described. All you need to do is use our tips and guidelines from the manufacturers of specific materials to enjoy the new look of your floor.

Now you know how to carry out a quick renovation of the floor.

Renovation of the floor in an old house does not have to be expensive and burdensome. Worn-out flooring that has lost its former shine can be refreshed in a very short time without having to be removed. For this purpose, use one of our 3 proven methods: painting the flooring, laying linoleum or laying cork. Each of these methods works well in slightly different circumstances, but they all give you excellent results. See for yourself and carry out a quick renovation of flooring in your home.