Flooring in a narrow kitchen – how to lay it?

The kitchen is often considered the heart of any home. This is where the household members prepare meals together, but also discuss everyday matters. The kitchen is also a place where it is particularly important that the right floor is selected. If we decide on flooring for the kitchen, it should be durable and resistant to moisture and standing water. Laying the flooring in a narrow kitchen can be quite a challenge. The article will show you how to do it and what should be taken into account. Information on the most common mistakes in laying the flooring can be found in our previous article (here). Larger rooms seem to be a slightly easier space to lay the flooring. On the other hand, it is more difficult to finish an interior that is small and narrow. The kitchen should be very practical, but also elegant at the same time. In addition, precision is particularly important in this room, because kitchen flooring is exposed to water and moisture. Find out how to deal with laying the flooring in the kitchen!

Flooring in the kitchen – what should we pay attention to?

Before laying the flooring in the kitchen, it is worth considering the specifics of the room. Kitchens are often used by the household members, which makes them vulnerable to damage. Minor damage happens especially often when the kitchen is close to the main entrance. Then the household members have to deal with dirt, sand or mud. In winter, it is also worth considering the effect of salt sprinkled on pavements. For this reason, it is worthwhile for the kitchen flooring to be particularly resistant to abrasion or damage, as well as to the moisture that will appear repeatedly. Therefore, the best solutions include water-resistant laminate flooring, which is resistant to standing water for up to 24 hours, as well as composite (vinyl) flooring, which is fully waterproof.

Rules for laying the flooring in a narrow kitchen

Choosing the right flooring is not the only challenge. Before starting the installation, it is worth getting acquainted with a few rules that will allow you to prepare for work in a better way. In order for the flooring in the kitchen to look aesthetically pleasing and at the same time serve its most important purpose, it should be correctly positioned in relation to the walls and doors. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the connection points, which is extremely important to achieve a truly elegant effect. Therefore, it is recommended to “dry” lay the flooring in a narrow room first, so that you can check the layout before carrying out the actual installation.

Due to the specific nature of a narrow room, it is usually advisable to lay the flooring parallel, i.e., along the length of the room. Laying across can result in a very large number of unnecessary cuts in the material. This will not only increase the installation time, but will make the whole thing much more expensive. Laying parallel to the walls will therefore be more practical, but will also look more aesthetically pleasing. This will make it easier for you to create an elegant kitchen. In addition, flooring laid in this way will allow you to create an imitation of a wooden floor.

Sometimes specialists also point out the possibility of installation depending on the location of the door. This means that if, in a narrow kitchen, the door is located on a shorter wall, then the planks should be laid perpendicular to it. This will make the space appear optically wider. However, if in a kitchen the entrance is located on a longer wall, then it is better to lay the planks perpendicular to the door. This will make the kitchen appear longer upon entering.

How to lay flooring in a narrow kitchen? Step-by-step guide

You already know that the widthwise layout will present the flooring better. The kitchen is a room where it is worth paying special attention to the precision of workmanship, which is why we advise you on how to lay the flooring in a narrow room, step by step.

Measure everything carefully

At the first stage of work, it is worth taking care of the proper preparation of the necessary measurements. Check how many rows of planks you can lay in the kitchen, and then measure the width of the last row. Also remember that it should not be narrower than 5 cm. If you find otherwise, cut the planks to the first line by half the width. In addition, you must remember about expansion gap, i.e., mark the gaps with tightly placed wedges, keeping a distance of approx. 10 mm.

Prepare the substrate properly

Flooring for the kitchen requires preparation of the substrate before its installation. Remember that it should be even, dry and clean. Such a substrate can consist of a concrete screed, tiles or other stable surface. Then, the foil should be laid over the entire surface in the form of a bathtub, i.e., the outer edges should be turned up against the wall and pressed firmly. Apply the subsequent strips in such a way that they overlap by about 10-20 cm. They should be joined together using adhesive tape. Place an insulating underlay over the foil so that it adheres well, but does not overlap the wall. Individual fragments should be connected using adhesive tape.

Install the flooring

After the preparations, start installing the flooring. Lay the first row with the tongue towards the wall. Remember about the expansion gap – it is important to pay attention to wedge spacers. Then connect the individual elements together with the shorter sides. Place the tongue of one plank in the groove of the other, but at an angle of about 70 degrees, and then lower it to the floor. When laying the flooring in a narrow kitchen, remember to start the successive rows with the piece left over from the material cut at the end of the previous row. Add successive sections to the shorter side, creating a strip of a specific length. Then match it up with the flooring you have already laid and fasten it together.

Focus on finishes

The last stage of work is finishing, which will allow you to visually adjust the surface. Cut off the protruding foil along the walls and remove the wedge spacers. Then mask the expansion joints with skirting boards. Finally, install the finishing strips at the connection point of different types of flooring.

Flooring – which one to choose?

When choosing flooring for the kitchen, opt for a model with the highest abrasion class. Composite (vinyl) flooring will be an excellent choice, as it is the most durable of all types of flooring available on the market. Not only it is characterised by high resistance to damage and scratches, but it also copes well with water and moisture. When it comes to appearance, match it to the design of the room. In the case of narrow rooms with a smaller area, glossy flooring that reflects more light will be perfect. This will make the space seem optically larger.


Now you know how to lay the flooring in the kitchen! Before the work, remember about proper preparation – choose the right type of flooring, take the appropriate measurements and “dry” check, how the surface will look after their installation. Meticulous preparation will help you avoid many mistakes, especially if you are not a specialist in this field. Make sure you have the necessary tools and a lot of patience, because a narrow kitchen is a very specific space for laying the flooring. Decide on a specific strategy when working and use our tips to enjoy an elegant and functional kitchen!