Abrasion class ratings for flooring

Flooring abrasion class is the most important parameter you should pay attention to when choosing a finishing material for your home. The value is determined based on the results obtained from the Taber test. Flooring abrasion class rating determines its usability, service life and resistance to mechanical damage. Knowing this parameter, the user can better match finishing materials to a given place. Below we present flooring abrasion class ratings and explain what they mean.

How is the flooring abrasion class determined?

Flooring abrasion resistance is determined on the basis of the European standard, namely EN 13329. According to it, finishing materials are marked with the symbol AC – Abrasion Class. The document defines abrasion class ratings – a given material is classified depending on the result obtained.

Flooring abrasion class is determined using the Taber test. As part of the test, a simulation of long-term use of the floor is carried out, which allows to determine the wear resistance of a given surface. During the process, a special device is used to abrade the surface of the flooring under controlled conditions until it is damaged. Then the number of revolutions is counted – the higher the score, the more durable the material is.

Flooring – AC ratings

According to the adopted standard, abrasion classes range from AC1 to AC6. Currently, it is increasingly difficult to find on the market any building materials with AC1 and AC2 rating, because they have no utility application. They are made of low-resistance materials that quickly deteriorate. Below we present flooring abrasion class ratings from AC3 to AC6.

AC3 flooring

AC3 flooring is recommended for all low traffic areas. This type of finishing materials is worth using in flats and detached houses. In the Taber test, the flooring must withstand 2000 revolutions in order to be assigned to Class AC3. These products are most often chosen for bedrooms, dressing rooms or living rooms. AC3 rated products are provided with a shorter warranty with regard to abrasion compared to other models – it is a period of 10 years.

AC4 flooring

AC4 flooring is the one most frequently selected by consumers. It can be used in every detached house – it is worth installing it in the corridor, living room or kitchen. In order to obtain AC4 rating, building materials must withstand a minimum of 4000 revolutions in the Taber test. These products are available in almost every shop. Their price is attractive, and they are characterised by a wide range of colours and patterns. Most manufacturers offer a 20-year warranty on AC4 rated flooring.

AC5 flooring

AC5 rated flooring, just as AC6, is often used in public utility buildings. In the Taber test, building materials must withstand at least 6000 revolutions, which guarantees their high durability and abrasion resistance. AC5 flooring is available in a wide range of patterns and colours. The materials combine impeccable design and exceptional durability. They are available in various thicknesses, i.e., 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm. AC5 rated flooring come with 30-year warranty provided by the manufacturer.

AC6 flooring

AC6 rated flooring is characterised by the highest abrasion resistance. It is widely used in public utility buildings and office spaces. It is distinguished by high resistance to abrasion and mechanical damage, which makes it exceptionally durable. AC6 flooring can be used in detached houses, but due to its rather large thickness, it often cannot be used in every room. It comes with the longest, 40-year warranty provided by manufactures.

When considering the choice of flooring, the abrasion class of a given model should be taken into account. This is one of the most important parameters characterising building materials. The higher the abrasion class, the more durable the floor. It should also be remembered that the parameter goes hand in hand with thickness – more durable materials are usually slightly thicker.